Cyber Security

A collection of 76 posts

4 Reasons to Implement Managed Detection and Response (MDR) for SMBs

4 Reasons to Implement Managed Detection and Response (MDR) for SMBs

SecurityCyber SecurityManaged Detection and ResponseMDRCyber Resiliency

As cyber threats against small and medium businesses continue to rise, having strong cybersecurity measures in place is critical. Managed detection and response (MDR) services are becoming a vital component in the cyber security strategies of SMBs, offering a proactive and comprehensive approach to threat detection, response, and management. In

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Top Cloud Storage Trends and Management Strategies for Businesses

Top Cloud Storage Trends and Management Strategies for Businesses

CloudCloud StorageAIArtificial IntelligenceCyber Securityzero trust security

Cloud storage has become an essential part of business IT infrastructure, providing flexibility, scalability, and cost savings. But as business technologies evolve, cloud storage is undergoing major changes. In this blog, we’ll look at the latest trends in cloud storage, evolving security challenges, and effective management strategies to help

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4 Ways AI Accelerates IT Infrastructure Transformation

4 Ways AI Accelerates IT Infrastructure Transformation

infrastructureAIArtificial IntelligenceIT InfrastructureCloudCyber Security

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a key driver for helping businesses improve their IT infrastructure. By enabling systems and software to sense, understand, take action, and learn on their own, AI allows the automation of tasks that previously required human thinking. Companies that fully leverage enterprise AI will gain efficiency, insight,

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The Business Leader’s Guide To Navigating the SASE Landscape

The Business Leader’s Guide To Navigating the SASE Landscape

SASESecure Access Service EdgeNetwork SecurityCyber SecurityAI

Today’s businesses face the challenge of balancing robust security with seamless accessibility across their networks – particularly as remote work and cloud adoption accelerate. Enter secure access service edge (SASE), an innovative framework that combines network security with wide-area networking to meet modern security and access needs. In this blog,

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How AI-Driven Cyber Security Is Changing the Future of Digital Protection

How AI-Driven Cyber Security Is Changing the Future of Digital Protection

SecurityCyber SecurityCyber ThreatsNetwork Securityidentity and access managementAIArtificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is at the frontline of cyber security. Cyber threats are only getting more advanced in 2024, and AI-driven cyber security solutions offer the advanced protections businesses need to defend against sophisticated attacks. Here's how AI is revolutionizing digital security: Predictive Threat Intelligence Rather than simply

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Proactive Defenses for Navigating Cyber Security Threats in 2024

Proactive Defenses for Navigating Cyber Security Threats in 2024

Cyber SecurityCyber Threatscyber attackscloud securityNetwork SecurityData EncryptionThreat Detection and Response

As we head into 2024, getting ahead of emerging threats is vital. Cyber attacks are increasingly sophisticated, and risks like phishing and ransomware are growing as more businesses embrace digital transformation. So what can your business do to prepare? Here are some ways to boost your cyber defenses for whatever

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Juggling productivity goals with meeting cyber security needs, making the right IT investments will provide the right balance

Making IT investments in the Hybrid Work Scenario

Hybrid WorkIT InvestmentsCyber Securitybusiness technologyDigital Transformationzero trustIT Infrastructure

As companies adapt to what has become, for many, a permanently hybrid work environment, it is shaping the direction of digital transformation and how IT investments are prioritized. One of the biggest challenges for IT security teams is balancing the need for quality, consistent work experiences across any location with

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Educating the workforce can stop breaches, but implementing the right tech can also be a huge help.

Remote Work Tips: Staying a Step Ahead of Cyber Criminals

Cyber SecurityRemote Workremote work securityVPNsecurity awareness training

Cyber security has plagued organizations for decades, but when remote work teams became an overnight reality for companies, security breaches also increased in frequency. By partnering with the right tech-savvy professional, you can avoid the common mistakes associated with implementing a security solution. Educating the Workforce Before spending a lot

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ZTNA is a way to offer a consistent work environment, whether your employees are onsite or at home.

Why ZTNA is an Ideal Security Approach for the Branch Office

Cyber SecurityZTNANetwork SecurityVirtualizationzero trust

Installing network connectivity at a new branch office used to be a time-consuming process. It might take weeks, or even months, to establish multi-protocol label switching (MPLS) pathways, and a network professional would need to be on-site to ensure that all devices were correctly configured. Today, network virtualization has streamlined

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Networks are better equipped for hybrid work with security tools that use artificial intelligence.

3 Ways Artificial Intelligence Equips Companies for Hybrid Work

Hybrid WorkRemote WorkArtificial IntelligenceAINetworkCyber Security

The pandemic convinced companies that remote work could be both productive and profitable, and workers appreciate the work-life balance stemming from remote opportunities. In some cases, companies are adopting a permanent hybrid work model, allowing employees more flexibility in their locations and schedules. But equipping the network and applications for

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