
A collection of 48 posts

How Can IoT Solutions for Small Businesses Transform Your Business Operations?

How Can IoT Solutions for Small Businesses Transform Your Business Operations?

CloudIoTInternet of ThingsBusiness Operationsautomation

The Internet of Things (IoT) is transforming how small businesses operate by providing new ways to automate, monitor, and enhance various operational aspects. From improving asset management to optimizing customer interactions, IoT offers opportunities for small businesses to increase efficiency and drive growth. Read on to explore the practical applications

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3 Benefits of Superapps for Business Communications

3 Benefits of Superapps for Business Communications

CloudSuperappsBusiness Communicationscommunicationsdata security

Superapps are multi-functional platforms that integrate various services like messaging, payments, and customer management into a single application. For small businesses, adopting superapps can mean streamlined processes, improved productivity, and an ability to stay connected with customers and employees from anywhere at any time. In this blog, we’ll explore

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Navigating Multi-Cloud and Hybrid IT Strategies for Small Business Leaders

Navigating Multi-Cloud and Hybrid IT Strategies for Small Business Leaders

Cloudcloud servicesmulti-cloudHybrid ITSmall BusinessSMBs

Small businesses are increasingly turning to multi-cloud and hybrid IT strategies for better flexibility, security, and cost savings. These approaches let businesses leverage the best features of multiple cloud services and on-premises solutions to create a tailored IT environment that supports growth and innovation. In this blog, we explore the

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Top Cloud Storage Trends and Management Strategies for Businesses

Top Cloud Storage Trends and Management Strategies for Businesses

CloudCloud StorageAIArtificial IntelligenceCyber Securityzero trust security

Cloud storage has become an essential part of business IT infrastructure, providing flexibility, scalability, and cost savings. But as business technologies evolve, cloud storage is undergoing major changes. In this blog, we’ll look at the latest trends in cloud storage, evolving security challenges, and effective management strategies to help

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4 Ways AI Accelerates IT Infrastructure Transformation

4 Ways AI Accelerates IT Infrastructure Transformation

infrastructureAIArtificial IntelligenceIT InfrastructureCloudCyber Security

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a key driver for helping businesses improve their IT infrastructure. By enabling systems and software to sense, understand, take action, and learn on their own, AI allows the automation of tasks that previously required human thinking. Companies that fully leverage enterprise AI will gain efficiency, insight,

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Top 3 Cloud Strategies for Business Leaders in 2024

Top 3 Cloud Strategies for Business Leaders in 2024

CloudCloud ComputingHybrid CloudCloud Strategycloud securityAIAI Integration

As we move through 2024, cloud computing will continue to transform how businesses operate, collaborate, and serve customers. Cloud technology has become an indispensable driver of innovation and efficiency – but with the cloud landscape constantly evolving, it can be difficult for companies to keep their cloud strategies aligned with the

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Technology challenges like providing secure connectivity for remote teams complicate IT.

The Biggest Technology Challenges Your Business Will Have To Address in 2023

Cloudtechnology challengesDigital TransformationRemote WorkconnectivityCyber SecurityIT securityzero trustSD-WAN

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses were already pursuing digital solutions to their most pressing business challenges. The ability to provide an excellent customer experience and optimize productivity had many opting for cloud migration when there was an opportunity for an upgrade. But these widespread changes are coming with technology challenges.

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Cloud-native security platforms offer a more integrated approach to managing threats in a hybrid environment.

Eliminate Alert Fatigue With Cloud-Native Cyber Security Platforms

CloudCyber Securitycloud-nativecloud securitycloud-native securityalert fatigue

The pandemic accelerated cloud adoption, with many companies racing to implement cloud solutions that would accommodate their business processes with a geographically dispersed team. The result was a cobbled-together IT environment that introduced a complex and vulnerable security plane. Rather than address cyber security from a cloud-native approach, many companies

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How to Fight Cloud Transformation Complexity

How to Fight Cloud Transformation Complexity

Cloudcloud transformationdata protection

Cloud transformation offers a host of benefits over traditional, on-premises legacy solutions. From cost savings to work-from-anywhere capabilities to scalability and innovation, companies are able to streamline productivity and improve end-user experiences. But cloud transformation is also leading to more complex environments, making data protection more challenging. There are several

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Why You Should Pair Your Cloud Migration With SD-WAN Implementation

Why You Should Pair Your Cloud Migration With SD-WAN Implementation

SD-WANSD-WAN implementationCloud

The shift to remote work amid the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated cloud migration for some enterprises, but many still struggle to address challenges around network management, performance, and security. Software-defined wide area networking (SD-WAN) answers many of the obstacles, offering built-in security features, centralized and automated bandwidth management, and traffic

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Five Steps to Securing Your Government Agency’s Cloud Solution During COVID-19

Five Steps to Securing Your Government Agency’s Cloud Solution During COVID-19

Cloudcloud securitycloud solutionsCOVID-19defense in depth

Long before government employees were forced home by COVID-19, agencies have been considering remote-work settings for employees. Progress was generally impeded by security obstacles. Now that millions of federal employees are working from home, managers are being forced to support their efforts, while securing data and systems. In order to

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Hybrid vs. Multi Cloud: which one's right for you?

Hybrid vs. Multi Cloud: which one's right for you?

Cloudcloud adoptionCloud Computingcloud transformationDigital Transformationmulti-cloudprivate cloud

Unlike a multi-cloud model, in which different clouds are used for different tasks, the components of a hybrid cloud typically work together. As a result, data and processes tend to intermingle and intersect in a hybrid environment, while in a multi-cloud situation, usage typically remains in its “own” cloud’s

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You actually want to move to the cloud: what does that actually mean?

You actually want to move to the cloud: what does that actually mean?

Cloudcloud adoptionCloud Computingcloud servicescloud transformationprivate cloud

Tyler Goodlett (Director of Sales) and Steve Mills (VP of Americas) offer key insights into the managed cloud and datacenter ecosystem that exists at Rackspace. They explain at length the tangible advantages behind a migration to a hybrid or multi-cloud environment. Episode Transcript: INTRO: [00:00] Welcome to the Tech

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