
A collection of 5 posts

Navigating Multi-Cloud and Hybrid IT Strategies for Small Business Leaders

Navigating Multi-Cloud and Hybrid IT Strategies for Small Business Leaders

Cloudcloud servicesmulti-cloudHybrid ITSmall BusinessSMBs

Small businesses are increasingly turning to multi-cloud and hybrid IT strategies for better flexibility, security, and cost savings. These approaches let businesses leverage the best features of multiple cloud services and on-premises solutions to create a tailored IT environment that supports growth and innovation. In this blog, we explore the

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Hybrid vs. Multi Cloud: which one's right for you?

Hybrid vs. Multi Cloud: which one's right for you?

Cloudcloud adoptionCloud Computingcloud transformationDigital Transformationmulti-cloudprivate cloud

Unlike a multi-cloud model, in which different clouds are used for different tasks, the components of a hybrid cloud typically work together. As a result, data and processes tend to intermingle and intersect in a hybrid environment, while in a multi-cloud situation, usage typically remains in its “own” cloud’s

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